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Law Office of James M. Stanley Law Office of James M. Stanley
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Three Questions to Ask Your Personal Injury Lawyer


If you've just been involved in a serious accident, you're probably still coming to grips with your injury, your medical treatment, and all of the logistical odds and ends that your friends and family will have to help you with during your recovery. However, there might come a time when you ready to explore the possibility of taking legal action against the parties responsible for your injury.

Not many people are familiar with this process or are sure who they can trust with their potential claim. Below we take a look at the three most critical questions claimants should as of their prospective Fort Worth personal injury attorney.

Do You Have Experience with My Type of Claim?

A lot of firms claim that they handle civil injury matters, but the truth is only a few firms have meaningful, trustworthy experience in this practice area. Too many lawyers believe that they can just "jump in" to one of these cases and adequately handle it for a client.

At our firm, we do nothing but civil injury cases and have been engaged in this practice area since 1976. That means—in every case that we take on—our attorneys know what is required of them and how to most effectively pursue compensation for our clients.

What Have Your Past Case Results Been?

Even if your prospective counsel has had years of experience in this practice area, be sure to ask about their case results. Too many firms "practice" personal injury by aiming for quick, low-ball settlements for clients who deserve much larger sums of compensation.

At the Law Office of James M. Stanley, our firm has recovered more than $100 million in relief for our clients and our client families. We know what our clients' claims are worth and aggressively seek maximum compensation on their behalf.

When Are You Available to Your Clients?

When you trust your injury claim to an injury firm, you're really trusting the well-being of your future to the lawyers on your case. A lot of firms don't recognize this dynamic and instead independently pursue the case, leaving their clients in the dark, unsure of how their case is progressing.

At our firm, we never forget that as legal counselors, we work for our clients. That is why we keep ourselves available 24/7 for our clients and continually keep them abreast of their claim's progress throughout every stage of their case.

If you are currently in search of a Fort Worth personal injury lawyer to handle your injury claim, then we invite you to contact us at the Law Office of James M. Stanley. Our dedicated and proven team of legal counselors is ready to discuss your options and, if you so choose, aggressively pursue the relief you deserve following your accident.

Ready to start exploring your options? Our firm is ready to assist you. Call us today to request a free case evaluation.

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