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4 Common Holiday Accidents


The holidays are often filled with joy and love because many Americans are spending time with family, eating an abundance of food, giving and receiving new gifts, and being merry overall. Unfortunately, accidents can occur at any time, even during the most festive occasions. Being aware of the most common holiday accidents may help you protect yourself during the cold winter months.

The following are the most common holiday accidents in the United States:

  1. Car accidents – There are many reasons why car accidents frequently occur during the holidays. Rain and snow can make the roads slick and slippery, which can make driving challenging. Many people enjoy consuming alcohol to celebrate the season, resulting in drunk driving accidents and DUIs. Since we find ourselves driving more in the dark, the lack of visibility can make it more difficult to anticipate unexpected road conditions. The holidays also means road trips; however, driving for many hours can make motorists more prone to falling asleep behind the wheel or driving recklessly when experiencing severe traffic.
  2. Slip and falls – While many homeowners take pride in putting up holiday decorations for the neighborhood to see, they are also prone to slip and fall accidents. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately 5,800 people are treated for slip and fall injuries stemming from decorating their home annually. Falls from ladders consist of nearly half of all emergency room visits for fractures during the season. In addition, around 4,000 people suffer injuries from tripping over extension cords every year.
  3. Fires – According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), an estimated 30 percent of fires which occur at home and 38 percent of home fire fatalities happen from December and February. Half of all Christmas tree fires occur because of decorations, candles, and faulty lights. Decorative lights are another main cause of fires during the holidays. Lastly, food and cooking equipment are other leading causes of house fires and related injuries.
  4. Dangerous toys From toy guns and toys containing small parts, there are many toys that can be dangerous for children to play with. Toy guns can shoot projectiles that can potentially result in eye and facial injuries. Toy swords and other weapons can cause blunt force trauma when children imitate fighting. Toys with small attachments and other parts can be choking hazards. Long strings attached to some toys can accidentally strangle a child. Toys that are plugged into electric outlets can cause burns and electrocution.

Now that you understand the potential dangers of the holidays, take extra precautions to avoid experiencing an injury or worse. If you or a loved one has suffered an injury caused by a negligent party, our Fort Worth personal injury attorney at the Law Office of James M. Stanley can help you obtain your entitled compensation.

Contact us and schedule a free consultation for more information today.

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