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4 Tips to Have a Safe Halloween


Halloween is one of the most favorite holidays for children because they have an opportunity to dress up as their favorite characters or monsters and receive massive amounts of candy from neighbors. While parents are out with their kids, or allow them to trick-or-treat with their friends, it is important to discuss potential safety risks associated with Halloween with your children to help them avoid getting hurt.

The following are the common dangers associated with Halloween night:

  • Stranger danger – Halloween night is an opportunity for predators or kidnappers to take advantage of children, especially if they are trick-or-treating unsupervised. You need to tell your children not to talk to strangers and go door-to-door with a big group. A parent or older child can tag along for added safety. If a stranger invites your children to go inside a house or car, tell them to always say “No!”
  • Tainted candy – While your kids can’t wait to indulge in their bags of candy they gathered from trick-or-treating, you need to inspect each piece prior to letting them eat it. While people sometimes accidentally drop stuff into Halloween candy bags, most often they intentionally tamper with the candy in order to cause significant harm, using needles, razors, nails, and even drugs. Children should only consume candy that is properly sealed and not considered a choking hazard, depending on their age.
  • Distracted drivers – From elaborate costumes to decorated houses, drivers can be distracted on Halloween by many things. The more distractions around the area, the higher the chances of a car accident occurring. To reduce the risk of your children getting struck by a distracted driver, include bright colors or reflective tape into their costumes. Furthermore, they should carry a flashlight to keep an eye out for oncoming dangers.
  • Animal attacks – Every year, children are the most vulnerable to dog bites and attacks. If your children notice a dog in the front year while trick-or-treating, they must not approach the animal or pet an unfamiliar canine. If you have a dog, ensure they stay inside the home.

If your child has suffered an injury due to the negligence of another party during Halloween, our Fort Worth personal injury attorney at the Law Office of James M. Stanley can help you obtain the financial compensation your child deserves. On behalf of our firm, we hope you and your family have a fun and safe Halloween!

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