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Law Office of James M. Stanley Law Office of James M. Stanley
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Why All Brain Injuries Require Medical Attention


According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), nearly 50,000 individuals die every year due to brain injuries and over a million more visit the hospital to receive treatment for this type of injury. Additionally, it is also estimated that 2% of the population suffers from disabilities caused by sustaining a traumatic brain injury. As you can see, brain injuries are not to be taken lightly and should always be treated seriously. Although some brain injuries exhibit relatively minor symptoms or no symptoms at all, it does not necessarily mean you are in the clear. Brain injuries can substantially worsen over time and jeopardize your health, which is why it is crucial to seek immediate medical attention in the aftermath.

Why Medical Care is Essential After a Brain Injury

People tend to underestimate the damage a blow to the head can do. Unfortunately, even injuring your head in a slip and fall accident or during a sports game can result in serious health consequences, so even these seemingly minor injuries require immediate medical attention. If you are ever in doubt about whether or not a brain injury requires a trip to the hospital, err on the side of caution and visit a doctor to ensure you are in the clear.

Here are some reasons why it is crucial to visit the hospital after sustaining a brain injury:

  • Hospitals are usually the only facilities that are equipped with an MRI machine and CAT scanner to check if your brain is bleeding.
  • Brain bleeds are serious often life-threatening if the blood pools in certain spots, pressing on the brain.
  • If a doctor discovers that your brain is swelling, you will need surgery to save your life. The timeframe for this lifesaving procedure is small, which is why immediate medical attention is a must.

Not only will postponing medical treatment put your health at risk, but it can also affect your ability to obtain compensation if the accident that caused your injury occurred due to someone else’s negligence. To help ensure the success of your personal injury claim, you will need to see a doctor as soon as possible to begin building evidence for your case. The longer you wait, the worse your situation will get.

Reach Out to an Experienced Brain Injury Attorney Today!

If you sustained a traumatic brain injury in an accident that was caused by another party’s negligence, you need to reach out to the team at the Law Office of James M. Stanley for the experienced and skilled legal representation you need during this difficult time. Our team will help you obtain the compensation you deserve, which can cover your medical expenses, lost wages, emotional trauma, and more. You should not have to go through this on your own. Let our attorneys be your voice in or out of court.

Contact our law office today at (817) 591-4222 to schedule a complimentary case review with a trusted member of our legal team.

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