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Law Office of James M. Stanley Law Office of James M. Stanley
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Why It's Always Important to See a Doctor After an Accident


After being involved in an accident, you might experience a rush of adrenaline that will make it difficult to feel the effects of any injuries you sustained. Unfortunately, if you forego seeking medical attention and later discover that you were injured in the accident, your delayed medical treatment can negatively impact your claim. The insurance adjuster will likely try to argue that, since you did not immediately see a doctor after the accident, your injuries are either not that serious or were caused by another incident.

The Negative Impact of Postponing Medical Attention

Not seeing a doctor right away is one of the biggest mistakes a person can make after an accident for several different reasons.

Here are some of the reasons why seeking medical attention after an accident should always be a priority:

  • Medical treatment can prevent an injury from worsening: If you are injured, failing to seek treatment will allow that injury to worsen, which will likely make it more difficult for you to achieve a full recovery from it. Some injuries can even become fatal if not treated immediately.
  • You will miss out on important evidence: When you visit the emergency room, numerous tests will likely be performed on you to diagnose and gauge the severity of your injuries. The MRIs, x-rays, and CT scans they perform will all serve as invaluable evidence for your claim, especially because it will be the most accurate representation of your injuries after the accident.
  • Your insurance company will deny coverage: Generally, if you wait more than 72 hours to seek initial treatment for your injury, your insurance company will claim the injury was not caused by the crash and deny you coverage.
  • You will receive a low settlement offer: If you receive a settlement offer at all, you can bet that it will be a low-ball offer due to the lack of evidence in your case. If you were to seek medical treatment immediately, however, the at-fault party’s insurance company would likely be a little more cooperative with you.

Injured victims often put off medical treatment, thinking they can always go later on if they notice any symptoms or worsening pain. At this point, the damage to your personal injury claim and your health has already been done. Instead of postponing this crucial step, get yourself checked out immediately.

Reach Out to Our Experienced Personal Injury Team Today!

If you were injured in an accident, contact the team at the Law Office of James M. Stanley for the exceptional legal representation you need to hold the responsible party accountable for their actions. Our team has over 35 years of combined legal experience and a track record of proven success. Choose to work with a team that has been trusted since 1976. Our attorneys are not afraid to stand up to big insurance companies to fight on your behalf. Additionally, we work on a contingency fee basis, which means you will not pay us any legal fees until we win your case.

Call our law office today at (817) 591-4222 to schedule a complimentary case review with one of our trusted personal injury attorneys to discuss the details of your case.

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