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Law Office of James M. Stanley Law Office of James M. Stanley
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Protecting Children from Electrocution Injuries


Children are naturally curious, but sometimes that natural curiosity can lead to serious and life-threatening injuries. One particularly common source of child injury in the home is electricity, and it’s estimated that up to 20% of all electrical shock incidents happen to children. When left unattended, or presented with dangerous and faulty electrical wiring systems, a child can face electrocution injuries that will leave them in critical condition – or cause permanent brain damage.

At the Law Office of James M. Stanley, we hope that your family is able to stay safe, and that your children never have to suffer the debilitating effects of an electrical shock. However, if a careless landlord, property owner, or electrical technician allows your child to become injured through negligence, we can help you pursue fair compensation from that individual.

Here are a few safety tips that may help you protect children from electrocution injuries:

  • Never leave small appliances in the bathroom or by the pool.
  • Cover all outlets in your house with child safety covers, especially when you have younger kids.
  • Maintain constant adult supervision when children are around electrical hazards.
  • Push televisions, stereos, and other media equipment against the wall if possible.
  • Remind teens of electrical dangers regularly.
  • Place warning stickers on dangerous electrical areas.
  • Regularly check that electronic toys are not wearing down or sparking.
  • Never run your electrical wires under a rug or carpet.

Who Is Liable for My Child’s Electrocution Injuries?

Many tragic electrical accidents are just that: Accidents, without any single individual who has acted in a negligent manner. If your child has found a way to engage with a home electrical hazard in spite of your preparations, there may not be anyone to hold accountable for those injuries.

However, there are plenty of instances where there could be another party involved, whether it’s because of a defective child’s toy or a faulty repair job on your electrical wiring. Depending on the nature of your child’s electrical shock accident, you could be looking at ongoing medical bills for emergency medical care and hospitalization.

When you turn to the Law Office of James M. Stanley, our experienced personal injury team can help you figure out where liability falls for any electrocution injuries. Experts at getting to the bottom of an accident, we can gather evidence and review the details to see if negligence may have led to your child’s electrocution injuries.

To get started with a consultation, call (817) 591-4222 today.

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