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Law Office of James M. Stanley Law Office of James M. Stanley
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What to Do After a Hit & Run Accident


After an accident, every driver understands their duty to pull over into a safe area, call 911 in case of emergency, and exchange information with the other person involved. However, some irresponsible and careless drivers choose to leave the scene of the accident, even knowing the potential to face civil and criminal consequences if caught.

Most hit and run drivers leave the scene of an accident because they are intoxicated, uninsured, avoiding being arrested, driving a stolen vehicle, or otherwise behaving unlawfully. These reasons alone are incentive enough to pursue a claim and file a police report. Immediately after a hit and run accident, you should contact law enforcement. Filing a police report will go far in establishing the details of the accident and to ensure your road to obtaining compensation is as uneventful as possible. Not only that, but it will help police potentially catch the perpetrator based on the vehicle description, witness accounts, etc.

What Are My Legal Options?

You may be wondering how to hold the at-fault driver responsible if he or she cannot be found, which is a valid concern for victims of these types of accidents. However, there is no need to feel hopeless about your chances of obtaining the compensation you deserve. If the police can locate the driver, you can choose to pursue your claim against them or their insurance company. Even if the perpetrator is not found, you can still fight to obtain compensation from your own insurance company.

Injured by a Hit & Run Driver? Contact Our Personal Injury Attorneys For Aggressive Representation Today

The Law Office of James M. Stanley is led by a legal team with unparalleled knowledge and tenacity to fight on behalf of the injured. We will explore every option so you have the means to put this traumatic and stressful chapter of your life behind you.

Are you interested in scheduling a free consultation? Call (817) 591-4222 to learn how we can assist you today.

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