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Law Office of James M. Stanley Law Office of James M. Stanley
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Common Causes of Construction Fires and Explosions


Construction Sites Can Cause a Buildup of Catastrophic Injuries

Construction workers face dangers every time they clock in for work. While some threats could include minor stumbles, others include potentially fatal site fires and explosions.

What Causes a Construction Site Fire?

Fires and explosions can result from a number of negligent practices by the employer. Some of the most common causes include:

  • Heat and sparks coming from welding, cutting, and other equipment
  • Electrical errors
  • Failure to implement or provide training on adequate safety standards
  • Improperly contained fuel
  • Uninspected, defective equipment

Each of these causes point to employer negligence.

What Causes a Construction Site Explosion?

Harder to maintain and potentially more devastating in inflicted injuries, explosions are another concern for construction site workers. Common negligent practices that could result in an explosion include:

  • Equipment coming in contact with live electrical wires
  • Improper chemical storage
  • Malfunctioning or misused demolition explosions
  • Pressurized container explosion

Those who are near the explosion could face serious burn injuries, broken bones, amputation, or death.

Occupational Health & Safety Administration Requirements

The Occupational Health & Safety Administration (OSHA) standards state that employers must take certain steps to include a workplace fire protection and prevention program. OSHA requires workplaces to:

  • Develop a fire protection initiative for employees to follow in every phase of a project
  • Use only safe and approved containers for flammable liquids
  • Keep heating devices a safe distance of at least 10 feet away from flammable coverings
  • Ensure only qualified workers handle explosives

If you or a loved one suffered due to a construction site fire or explosion, contact the Law Office of James M. Stanley. You’ll only pay if we win your case.

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